Memories are made in Kleinmond...

Pino Mari Holiday Homes

Hangklip-Kleinmond Tourism

The Hangklip Coast includes the towns of Kleinmond, Betty’s Bay, Pringle Bay and Rooiels, all located within the UNESCO Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve. The thin belt between the mountains and the sea hosts many wonders: from high peaks and fynbos-covered mountain slopes, rough ravines, caves, rivers and streams tumbling over edges to pristine beaches. The area has a typical Mediterranean climate: cool, wet winters with dry and hot summers. The indigenous forest and fynbos are home to a wide variety of animals, birds and insects. Here, you escape to nature!

Hangklip-Kleinmond Tourism

The Hangklip Coast includes the towns of Kleinmond, Betty’s Bay, Pringle Bay and Rooiels, all located within the UNESCO Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve. The thin belt between the mountains and the sea hosts many wonders: from high peaks and fynbos-covered mountain slopes, rough ravines, caves, rivers and streams tumbling over edges to pristine beaches. The area has a typical Mediterranean climate: cool, wet winters with dry and hot summers. The indigenous forest and fynbos are home to a wide variety of animals, birds and insects.  Here, you escape to nature!

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